Mississippi DOT emergency slide repair - jones county, ms

cut slope drain, cut-slope drain, slope drain, sheet drain, strip drain, combination drain, AWD, american wick drain
cut slope drain, cut-slope drain, slope drain, sheet drain, strip drain, combination drain, AWD, american wick drain

Project Overview

In the early part of 2019, the State of Mississippi’s Department of Transportation had a slope failure along I-59 due to poorly draining soils and heavy amounts of rainfall. The only option was to excavate the existing slope and install a subsurface drainage system beneath the slope to provide hydrostatic pressure relief and a pathway for subsurface water to flow freely.

The DOT specified a Double Sided Geocomposite Sheet Drain to be used due to its low profile and ease to install compared to traditional pipe and stone systems. AWD’s SITEDRAIN DS-184, which meets the Special Provision requirements of MSDOT, was chosen and sold on the project. This product has a perforated core, which is protected on both sides by a 4 oz Non-Woven Fabric. The fabric retains the soil and allows water to flow from above and below the drain. AWD’s Geocomposite Drains can be installed sometimes at over half the cost of traditional Pipe & Stone Drainage Systems. The material was sold through Knowles Materials to TL Wallace who installed it in May of 2019.

cut slope drain, cut-slope drain, slope drain, sheet drain, strip drain, combination drain, AWD, american wick drain

Project Information

Name: MS DOT - Emergency Slide Repair
Location: Jones County, MS
Designer: MS DOT
General Contractor: TL Wallace

Product: SITEDRAIN DS-184 (4’ x 50’)
Market: Transportation
Application: Slope Repair